Successful substance abuse treatment and addiction recovery addresses the needs of family members and significant others.
Whether the patient is facing alcohol addiction recovery or treatment in our drug rehab program, the involvement of family members is crucial.Those closest to the substance abuse patient are considerably affected by the drug or alcohol addiction behavior and require attention to their own suffering. Because the lives of all family members are inseparable, substance abuse is most effective when treated as a family disease.
Effects of Substance Abuse on the Family
When one family member is afflicted with the disease of drug or alcohol addiction, the entire family is affected. Repercussions can take the form of spousal or child abuse, divorce, accidents and negligence, financial loss, stress, and many other effects not so readily apparent.Family members may invest substantial efforts into keeping up appearances for the addicted individual. The pain of admitting that they cannot control what is happening to the family can be unbearable. Trying to control the substance abuser by removing the drugs or alcohol, eliciting promises of abstinence, and covering up the substance abuse are some of the ways families are drawn into the abuser’s sickness.
Although some family members may seem perfectly healthy, underlying attitudes and behaviors have been shaped by dealing with the substance abuse by the family member:
Substance Abuse Addiction Recovery for the Family
We believe that recovery from these symptoms is an ongoing process possible through active participation in group therapy facilitated by professionals trained to diagnose and treat co-dependency and other family-related problems.The Transitions Recovery drug rehab center in Florida offers several opportunities specially designed for families to address the issues of drug and alcohol addiction recovery:
Family Support Group: Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. we offer an ongoing, open-ended family group designed to provide support, encouragement, and a safe place to share pain and joy. New people are always welcome, and many attend regularly.Multi-Family Group: All patients and their families attend a large group meeting each Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Lectures, films, experiential exercises, and honest sharing make this group an exciting experience.Individual Sessions with Therapist: Appointments will be set with the primary therapist on an individual basis.
All Family Program participants are encouraged to attend AA, NA, GA, or OA in recovery from addiction, and Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, or CODA support groups.
During a family’s involvement, they will learn about the diseases and disorders related to substance abuse. Addiction recovery programs give the opportunity to heal together with the addicted family member and address issues that have had a long-term impact on their lives.
Participating in the Transitions Recovery Family Program as the addicted family member attends our drug rehab program can be a life-changing experience. Family members find that years of hurt, confusion, and shame are healed as the effects of the disease and any accompanying mental illnesses, in dual diagnosis patients, are explained and the affected person’s own issues are addressed. They also learn how to support their loved one in his or her substance abuse addiction recovery.
Help for Families of Substance Abuse Addicts
We believe that families need and deserve support just as the patient does. Recovery can begin for the family at Transitions Recovery substance abuse and addiction treatment program. And when you help a family member face the effects of their substance abuse, it is more likely the addicted individual will agree to substance abuse treatment, through alcohol addiction recovery or a drug rehab program.
To find out if you or a loved one may require substance abuse treatment, we invite you to call 800-626-1980 now to talk to us.
This web copy was reviewed by Transitions Recovery Program’s Director – Marian Bach, LMHC, CAP