Meth, increasingly gaining notoriety as a powerful stimulant drug offering an incredibly energetic high, it highly addictive. And while its effects generally will last from six to 12 hours, meth remains detectable for longer.

While marijuana is the most popular drug, meth is second on the popularity list. This drug is a Schedule II drug, translating to meth having a high risk of potential misuse. Using meth is commonly associated with severe physical or psychological dependency, as well. 

So how long does meth stay in your system? Are there any ways you rid your body of this drug faster? Well, this depends on a couple of factors.

The length of time methamphetamine use is determinable has to do with the kind of drug test, the method of drug use, and, of course, the person’s unique body qualities. Even though meth is detectable short-term, some tests can catch it for as long as three months after.

Addiction adversely impacts addicts and their families without hesitation. But the problems of living with an addiction don’t have to be forever. If you or someone you love are struggling with a meth addiction, finding treatment is essential to achieve the healthier lifestyle you deserve.

At Transitions Recovery, we’re helping our clients forge the best transitions of themselves. We’ll examine your addiction and provide the right treatment to get you the long-term results you crave. Call 800-626-1980

How Long Is Meth Detectable?

With the half-life of methamphetamine averaging around 10 hours, the body can typically metabolize and eliminate half of an ingested dose from the bloodstream within this time. Oral administration results in meth peaking in a person’s bloodstream within 2.6 to 3.6 hours. The amphetamine metabolite peaks at around 12 hours. Taking meth intravenously increases the half-life to around 12.2 hours.

Once a liver enzyme metabolizes meth, the kidneys excrete it through urine. The amphetamines, p-OH-amphetamine and norephedrine, are the byproducts of this process. With a plethora of testing methods available, the times of detection will vary in accordance with each of the following tests:

Blood: Approximately One to Three Days

The timetable for meth detection with a blood test is between one and three days. This is the fastest way to detect meth use.

Urine: Approximately One to Four Days & as Long as a Week for Heavy Use

Drug screening agencies can usually tell if someone has been using meth within a one to four day period. However, for people using the drug heavily, it’s possible to detect it up to a week following their last use. This kind of test generally shows a higher concentration of the drug than other types of tests due to the metabolites being excreted through this bodily function.

Hair: Approximately 90 Days

Detecting meth using a hair follicle sample works for up to 90 days after a person’s last use.

Saliva: Approximately One to Four Days

Using a saliva sample allows people to detect meth in a person’s system for between one and four days following their last use of the drug.

Can a False-Positive Testing Happen?

False-positives are possible when using immunoassays. These false-positive results can be triggered by several kinds of medication, including the following:

Metformin: Commonly sold as Glucophage, Glumteza, Fortamet, Glucophage XR, and Riomet. These drugs are commonly used for type 2 diabetes treatment.

Ritalin, or methylphenidate: This drug treats ADHD, making its use quite common.

Trandate, or labetalol: This is an alpha- or beta-blocker people take to help with blood pressure problems.

Ephedra: This drug application can cause a false-positive on urine drug screen tests.

Antihistamines, cold medicines, and nasal inhalers: These can contain promethazine or pseudoephedrine, along with some antidepressants that tend to produce false-positive results for meth.

With so many drugs pushing false-positives for meth, it’s essential to tell clinicians which over-the-counter medications you’ve been taking to ensure accurate drug screening.

What Impacts Meth Detection Time?

Detecting meth in the body depends on several factors, including the person’s metabolism, age, overall health, frequency of use, and physical activity levels. With this being the case, it’s not easy to determine the length of time this drug will show up on a test.

Metabolic Rate

Higher metabolism rates result in the drug getting excreted faster than slower metabolism rates. Thus, activity level, age, and a person’s overall health will impact how long it takes to get meth out of your system.

Overall Health

A person’s overall health will impact how long it takes for meth to get metabolized and excreted from the body. This, of course, includes the person’s liver and kidney functions.

Frequency of Use

Using meth once will not result in long-term detection potential. Frequent or heavy meth use results in higher concentrations of the metabolites in the body, resulting in a more extended period in which the drug can remain detectable.

Method of Use

The detection time varies in accordance with how you’re taking the drug. Smoking or snorting meth results in the drug remaining in the body for less time than if a person were to inject it.

Ridding Your System of Methamphetamine

To get this drug out of your system, you have to stop using it. The body needs time to metabolize and excrete it, meaning the only way to prevent it from being detected is to cease its use. Keeping your body healthy by drinking plenty of water and exercising regularly can also assist in metabolizing meth faster.

Help for Meth Addiction

If you or a loved one are worried about testing positive for meth, you need assistance. Regular meth use calls for a long-term solution, and this begins with choosing to get the help you need.

Thinking about quitting methamphetamines after a recent binge? At Transitions Discovery, we’ve successfully treated thousands of clients for meth addictions, guiding people to find the best transition of themselves in the process. For more information, please contact our Miami rehab today by calling 800-626-1980.